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Garden Box Rental

Riverdale Dunes has 8 garden boxes avaliable for rental.  Please complete the form below to reserve the box for the growing season.  

Box 5 - VacantBox 6 - VacantBox 7 - VacantBox 8 - Vacant
Box 1 - VacantBox 2 -  VacantBox 3 - VacantBox 4 - Reserved


The Applicant shall use reasonable care and make reasonable diligent efforts to avoid any harm, injury, or loss of property to any person while using District facilities. Applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Riverdale Dunes Metropolitan District No. 1 and its authorized agents (the “Released Parties”) from any and all liability, sums and costs, including attorney fees and all other fees incidental to defend any loss or damages the Released Parties may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgements resulting from Applicant’s use of the facilities.

Applicant, its successor and assigns assume all liability and risk associated with use of the District’s facilities and hereby releases and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Released Parties, and their representatives, staff, employees, agents, and directors from any and all claims, liability, injuries, damages and costs incurred by Applicant, any of Applicant’s guests, or other persons, in connection with Applicant’s use of the District’s facilities. Applicant further acknowledges that he/she has reviewed and evaluated the risks and determined to use the District’s facilities with full knowledge and acceptance of the risks.

Applicant understands that the Released Parties do not provide insurance coverage for accidents or injury sustained by Applicant, guests or other persons. Applicant agrees that use of the District’s facilities shall be undertaken by Applicant and guests at their sole risk, and the Released Parties shall not be liable for any injuries or any damage to Applicant, guests, or other persons, or be subject to any claim, demand, injury or damages whatsoever, irrespective of cause or origin. The Released Parties shall not be responsible or liable for articles damaged, lost, or stolen, or for loss or damages to any property. The undersigned evidences by his/her signature that the Applicant and its group or organization has read and will comply with the rules and regulations as stated on the form provided to Applicant.

Applicant understands that they are responsible to maintain the garden box. If the box is not kept weed free and cleaned out at the end of the season the applicant agrees to pay a $250 fine.
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